Get one deep dive into the New Testament every week.
(I spend 12 hours a week researching and uncovering scripture, so you don't have to.)
Don't just take it from me...
"If you're struggling to understand what in the world you're reading in the Bible, this is a
great study. It explains the main points of each chapter and gives a detailed breakdown"- Leland
"I really like how you pull things from other parts of the Bible to help tie it all together.That has been one of the hardest things for me to grasp, so I really appreciate it!I'm really looking forward to diving deep this year with your help!"- Natalie
"Thanks for not "breezing" over any of this. It was a long chapter with so many different things going on. It had to take a ton of time to research and write.I honestly feel you're being led by the Spirit to share what's important... it's perfect."- Greg
"Im so blessed by this study. Thank you so much for your consistency in facilitating it."
- Alice
"Man, this is so good! God's going to do a great work with this!!!"- Pete
"This Bible study has provided me with a deep knowledge of scripture. It's not a shallow study but one that teaches theology."- Jessi
My Story
My wife and I are originally from Colorado but have lived in Guatemala for over a decade
as full-time missionaries.We established a Christian middle school in a small mountain village and adopted five
children who were stuck in an orphanage.
I grew up Catholic.
Seeds of my faith were planted in college.
I was baptized.
I knew OF Jesus… but didn’t KNOW Him.
I wanted to follow Jesus.
I went to church.
I went to Bible studies.
I even led Bible studies.
But MAN...
I STRUGGLED to draw close to Him.
I STRUGGLED in my prayer life.
I STRUGGLED in my marriage.
I STRUGGLED as a father.
I WANTED to read my Bible.
I TRIED to read my Bible.I've started in Genesis and ended in Leviticus so many times I can't count!
Until I moved to Guatemala, I'd never read through the entire Bible systematically... ever.
As a missionary, that's humbling to write.
A few years ago, I found a reading plan that took me through the Bible in a year. I
checked off every chapter.
I’m glad I did, but why did I feel so unfulfilled?
I think it's because there was SO MUCH I didn't understand. I pushed through Leviticus
only to eventually get to the prophets.
So, I stopped reading the Bible.
I stopped READING the Bible and started STUDYING the Bible. I started questioning
everything I read.
WHO is that?
WHERE is that?
WHERE is that now?
HOW is that connected?
WHAT did that mean then?
WHAT does it mean now?
My curiosity changed everything.
Instead of rushing through the Bible to check a box, I started getting lost in the
If you can relate to any of that, don't feel discouraged.
There are two things I began to do that changed everything.
I started praying. I begged God to direct my steps. I was desperate to draw close to
I started looking for the stepping stones God put in the Bible.
I read slowly.
I read intentionally.
I read with the Holy Spirit by my side.
What if…
What if you could draw closer to God… in a way you could measure... in a way you could
feel to your core?
When was the last time you felt that?
The Holy Spirit with you as you read the words HE inspired?
"When disciples followed a rabbi, they followed him closely so they would never be out of
his sight, never be someplace where they couldn’t hear him speak. They followed him so
closely that his sandals often kicked up dust."May you be covered in His dust.